• Introducing the Swiss Stewardship Code

7. November 2023 I Zürich

Introducing the Swiss Stewardship Code

The Asset Management Association Switzerland (AMAS) and Swiss Sustainable Finance (SSF) published the Swiss Stewardship Code earlier this month, which provides asset managers, asset owners and financial service providers with guidance to encourage the active exercising of shareholder rights by investors in Switzerland. Investor stewardship is fundamental for effective investment and promoting sustainable businesses. The Code defines what contemporary investor stewardship entails and lays the foundation for more proactive exercising of shareholder voting rights by Swiss financial actors, as well as providing greater transparency and improved comparability.

After a presentation of the Swiss Stewardship Code, the event will feature a panel discussion including a Q&A. The panelists will represent Asset owners, Asset Managers and Service providers.

07.11.2023, 17:00 Uhr
07.11.2023, 18:15 Uhr
Metropol, Fraumünsterstrasse 12, 8001 Zürich
Kontaktname: AMAS Events
Telefon: +41 61 278 98 00
Für AMAS- oder SSF-Mitglieder: kostenfrei
Für Nicht-Mitglieder: CHF 60 .-
Please note that for technical reasons, the member price is indicated in the order process. Invoicing will take place after the event and will be adjusted based on the member / non-member category.


Adrian Schatzmann, CEO AMAS

Presentation of the Swiss Stewardship Code
Aurélia Fäh, Senior Sustainability Expert, AMAS
Katja Brunner, Director Legal & Regulatory, SSF

Panel discussion (including Q&A) with special guests representing Asset owners, Asset Managers and Service providers
Presentation: Sabine Döbeli, CEO SSF


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