Accusations against Swiss asset managers and false theses in the book „Das Rentendebakel“: AMAS takes a stand

  • November 9, 2022
    Accusations against Swiss asset managers and false theses in the book „Das Rentendebakel“: AMAS takes a stand

    In the recently published book „Das Rentendebakel“ (The Pension Debacle), the authors point out system errors in the Swiss 2nd pillar pension system and condemn the financial industry across-the-board for gambling away pension funds. In the runup to the book, AMAS had commented in detail on a list of questions posed by the authors. However, the answers of AMAS were hardly taken into account in the book and only with omissions. To correct the distorted and in some cases simply false picture painted in the book on the role of asset managers in the Swiss pension system, AMAS once again presents the facts on the main points.

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