AMAS News Summer 2024

New layout, proven quality: we are pleased to present the latest issue of AMAS News. Main topics in this issue:

- Swiss Asset Management Study: The Swiss Asset Management Study 2024 was published at the end of June. It shows: The Swiss asset management industry is back on a robust growth trajectory and is proving to be an important pillar of the Swiss economy.

- Greenwashing / self-regulation Sustainability: The Association has further developed the self-regulation in close consultation with the authorities in order to comprehensively reflect the Federal Council's position on greenwashing prevention in the financial sector of 16 December 2022. The existing version of the AMAS was clarified and supplemented.

- Shortening the settlement cycle in North America to T+1: On 28 May 2024, the USA shortened its settlement cycle from two days to just one day. What experiences did Swiss institutions have with T+1 in the first few days?

- Report 3rd Contributor: In June, AMAS published the report "The 3rd contributor: strong performance shows the resilience of pension funds". Read how fundamental the 2nd pillar is for the Swiss pension system thanks to the long-term effect of capital market contributions and the services of the asset management industry.

AMAS News Spring 2024

For the latest issue of the AMAS News, we have not only made some adjustments to the structure and content, but we have also introduced a new format with the an interview with a member of the Board of Directors: the first interview was conducted with AMAS President Iwan Deplazes.
With the L-QIF, the Swiss financial centre has a new and innovative fund category since 1 March, which is intended to compensate for locational disadvantages in international competition. The L-QIF is therefore also the focus topic in this AMAS News.
You can also read about regulatory developments in the area of sustainable finance, the AMAS position on a further political initiative in the area of pensions and the work of our specialist committees.


Asset Management News Winter 2023

This issue focuses on the topic of pension provision - one of AMAS's strategic priorities. It is not only our task and our goal to strengthen the role and services of asset management for BVG occupational pensions and make them better known to the public. AMAS will also position itself as an important voice in the upcoming vote on the BVG reform.
Other topics include the latest developments in self-regulation in the area of sustainable finance and greenwashing, as well as the shortening of the settlement cycle in North America to T+1. You will also receive an overview of the latest activities of our committees.

Asset Management News Autumn 2023

We have selected the highlights from this year's Swiss Asset Management Study for you and we present the new AMAS strategy in public affairs. Another topic is the extended best practices on the environmentally relevant key figures of Swiss real estate funds published this September and you will get an overview of the latest activities in our expert committees

Asset Management News Summer 2023

The Asset Management Day 2023 in Bern was the highlight of the first half of this year. We review this most important event of the Swiss asset management industry once again.

The focus of this Asset Management News is the topic of pension provision. This is one of the strategic priorities of AMAS. It is not only our task and goal to strengthen the role and services of asset management for BVG occupational pensions and to make them better known to the public. AMAS will also position itself as an important voice in the upcoming vote in spring/summer 2024 on the BVG reform and continue to advocate for better exploiting the return potential of pension fund assets for the benefit of the Swiss population in the future.

Asset Management News Spring 2023

In this issue of AMAS News, we focus, among other things, on our committees - the expert committees, working groups and platforms - we have initiated and already implemented expansionson. You can read more about this and the developments in the field of regulation, sustainability and the status of the introduction of the L-QIF.