Swiss Financial Centre actors unite to help develop Net Zero Data Public Utility

  • June 26, 2023
    Swiss Financial Centre actors unite to help develop Net Zero Data Public Utility

    On 26 June 2023 at the Point Zero Forum, the Swiss State Secretariat for International Finance (SIF) and four influential associations representing Swiss financial institutions announced the first national-level initiative bringing together public and private institutions to contribute to the development of the Net-Zero Data Public Utility (NZDPU). As part of this agreement, leading Swiss financial institutions will test the platform – an important step towards the launch of a centralized repository to provide free access to verifiable, foundational climate-transition-related data. This marks the first public-private initiative to test emergent climate data platform on a national scale.

    Iwan Deplazes, Chairman of the Asset Management Association Switzerland commented: “NZDPU is the logical and necessary consequence of the Swiss climate strategy to stop emitting greenhouse gases after 2050 and to become a Net-Zero society. The Asset Management Association Switzerland is convinced that NZDPU is the right tool to document the Net Zero transition by creating transparency and providing accessible as well as reliable data on the progress of CO2 emission reductions. The asset management industry has an important role to play in the Net Zero transition and is well aware of its responsibilities. We therefore encourage our members to test the new platform and to help spread its use.”
